Yellow | Sunny Sunflowers | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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Brighten up a table, send get well wishes, or simply sprinkle sunshine on someone's day with this summer flower arrangement. Bold sunflowers are arranged in a glass bubble bowl with curly willow curled inside. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T152-2A - Sunny Sunflowers - Multi - Flower Delivery, Premium Arrangement

