Pink | Mixed Bouquets | Joyful Jubilee | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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A joyful jubilee of lots (and lots!) of flowers. From hot pink roses to purple daisies to dark pink Sweet William, this colorful collection of blooms is a birthday favorite!. Hot pink spray roses and gerberas are mixed with dark pink Sweet William, purple asters and variegated pittosporum.Hand-arranged in Teleflora's lavender Serendipity vase that's tied with a bow. Hot pink spray roses and gerberas are mixed with dark pink Sweet William, purple asters and variegated pittosporum.Hand-arranged in Teleflora's lavender Serendipity vase that's tied with a bow. Hot pink spray roses and gerberas are mixed with dark pink Sweet William, purple asters and variegated pittosporum.Hand-arranged in Teleflora's lavender Serendipity vase that's tied with a bow. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T14-1A - Joyful Jubilee - Pink - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

