Yellow | Mixed Bouquets | Spring Rhapsody Bouquet | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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A rhapsody in yellow. Say "get well soon" or "have a happy day" with this sunny assorted bouquet. Everyone's favorite spring flowers are here - yellow lilies, yellow tulips, with accents of deliciously fragrant freesia flowers. Delivered by a florist in Teleflora's chic Couture Vase. Fragrant white freesia, fresh yellow tulips and asiatic lilies are mixed with beautiful green viburnum and graceful tendrils of ivy in a stylish, clear glass Couture Vase. Fragrant white freesia, fresh yellow tulips and asiatic lilies are mixed with beautiful green viburnum and graceful tendrils of ivy in a stylish, clear glass Couture Vase. Fragrant white freesia, fresh yellow tulips and asiatic lilies are mixed with beautiful green viburnum and graceful tendrils of ivy in a stylish, clear glass Couture Vase. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T138-1A - Spring Rhapsody - Yellow - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

