Flowers By Teleflora. Romantic Roses In Heart Shape. Order Flowers Today.
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Send someone this soulful floral gift and there'll be no mistaking that you're giving them your heart! A heart made entirely of red carnations is nestled in a cloud of baby's breath and ferns and presented in a tall red vase adorned with a pretty ribbon. Red carnations and white sinuata statice accented with oregonia and fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon.Upgrade this bouquet today and get roses instead of carnations! Red roses and white sinuata statice accented with oregonia and fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon. Red roses, white spray roses and white statice sinuata accented with fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon. Orientation: One-Sided. Teleflora Heart And Soul - Red - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement



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