Kathmandu to Lumbini or Lumbini to Kathmandu Bus Service
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Kathmandu to lumbini or Lumbini to Kathmandu distance is near by 330 km, it takes around 10/11 hour. Lumbini is the birth place of Gautam Buddha where Thousands of visitors visit in a year. The bus is departure from Nayabazaar from Kathmandu which is 10 minutes’ walk from Thamel, it is touristic hub in Kathmandu and bus will stop in Lumbini Gate no 5 it is near from Lumbini Garden where you can found hotel easily. Lumbini to Kathmandu is departure from nearby Lumbini garden.The route of Kathmandu to Lumbini Tourist bus is Nayabazaar –Balaju –Kalanki – Malakhu – Mugling-NayaranGhat- Nabalparasi-Butwal-Bhairawa-Lumbini.

