Angkor Wat sunrise small quiet temples
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This tour is designed for those who like the VIP services in Angkor in early morning by standing to see the amazing sunrise on the top of Angkor Wat towers which Cambodian special architectures of Hindu concepts. After that, return to see Angkor Thom South gate that is along the gods and demons on ancient bridge and heading to stunning faces in big ruin city.Any more, drive out to small ruin peaceful temple in the bush and breathing for the natural freeze.Finally ,enjoy the scenic spots of Tomb Raider with gigantic tree roots .Remind you to ancient in 9 or 12 century of Khmer Empire ,let your experiences around small peaceful temples in the jungle on the bush trace.feel relaxing from the crowds with sound birds and insects on the top of trees.Tour start:4:40 in the early morning and backing to the hotel for breakfast.

