The last day of Nicolae Ceausescu – tour with a RedPatrol classic Dacia
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A classic car tour with a fully restored Dacia which explores both the geographical as well as the emotional roadmap covered by Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena on the 22nd of December 1989, the day they lost the supreme power!On the 22nd of December 1989, 12:07 Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife run with the helicopter from the roof of the Communist Party Headquarter Palace escaping the fury of 100.000 persons who surrounded the building asking for his resignation.Having in mind to regroup and fight back to keep his supreme power over Romania that he had for almost 24 years Nicolae Ceausescu runs towards Pitesti to find support from the working class and the army but he is captured in that day near Târgoviște.We will explore the pivotal moments of Ceausescu’s last day as a President and cover a route 180 km towards Targoviste and back.You will visit the private Residence of Nicolae Ceausescu- “Palatul Primăverii” in a guide tour.A drive and stop private tour.

