Sushi & Sake Tasting Cooking Class + Local Supermarket Visit
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【Shopping at local supermarkets with a local guide and learn how to choose good ingredients】This cooking class starts with a visit to a local supermarket frequented by Japanese locals. Enjoy shopping, while learning about the distinct characteristics of Japanese supermarkets and how locals choose their ingredients, guided by a local expert. After gathering our ingredients, we will head to the cooking class apartments to begin the culinary experience.【Enjoy cooking Japanese traditional foods such as sushi roll, miso soup, egg roll, and egg plant with the guide's explanation of Japanese food culture and its wisdom】 Develop traditional home-style cooking skills, including precise knife techniques and crafting dashimaki tamago. Receive a recipe for Japanese dishes, perfect for hosting a home party back in your own country. Ask questions during the class for a personalized cooking experience tailored to your needs.Also you can try 4 kinds of Sake paring with Japanese dishes!

