Daytime 13H - 17H Boat cruise on the Archipel & Calanques
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From the old port of Marseille you board a comfortable semi-rigid. The captain will be the guarantor of your safety and the discovery of the most magical places. During your excursion you will discover the jewels of the Frioul archipelago, you will learn the history of this heritage, you will appreciate the beauty of each creek and enjoy the many pleasures of a Marseille-style boat trip.On board, time stands still and unforgettable memories are born. Departure and return to the old port, this emblematic district of Marseille, you will explore all the wonders that nature can offer. From the typical port, to the cove with turquoise waters, you will enjoy all the privileges expected of a professional, personalized and passionate excursion. Looking forward to bringing you the best experience you desire, we will be happy to have you on board.

