8-Day Private Safari Tour in Nairobi Kenya
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This is the most Unique tour!! Day 1 is for an overnight in Nairobi Boma Hotel after traveling from your country to Kenya. Days 2nd 3 is for Touring the Amboseli National Reserve for The views of the highest Mountain in Africa , The Kilimanjaro , Amboseli is also famous for the Big Herds of Elephants and apart from that we have lions Cheetahs wildebeests, antelopes zebras, Buffalos among others. Day 4 is Visiting the the second biggest Fresh water lake in the world , The Lake Naivasha. its also famous of doing boat safaris to see Hippopotamus and also the excursion of walking safari at the famous Cresent Island where the movie out of Africa was shot. Days 5and 6 Visiting one of the 7th wonders of the world.The masai mara National Reserve where Animals Migrate from one country to Another without state control!!! apart from the migration its a reserve where one can spot the BIG FIVE. Buffalos, Elephants, Leopards, Lions and the Black Rhinos.

