Otavalo & The Middle of The World in One Day - "Small Group"
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Meet an indigenous market and its crafts, Otavalo Market, the largest in America, where the indigenous people of the area, known as "Otavalos", one of Ecuador's most recognized ethnic groups, make and sell their textiles and handicrafts. The Plaza de los Ponchos is the scene of a great fair where you can find a great variety of articles, its main product being textiles, as well as artisanal production in clay, paint, wood, costume jewelery, ceramics, etc. Through this visit the guide will demonstrate the culture of the natives and passengers will have the opportunity to know about the custom of "haggling" which is a very common practice among Ecuadorian people.Visit the Equatorial Monument at the dividing of the northern and southern hemispheres. The 30-meter Middle of the World Monument (Ciudad Mitad del Mundo Monument) was built honor the French expedition, and houses a small museum containing a variety of indigenous Ecuadorian items.

