Private tour: Around the Sea of Galilee.
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Discover the landscape of the Bible touring around the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret). We will start the day with a lookout from Mt. Arbel - the Sea of Galilee, mountains of Galilee, and the Golan Heights will unfold in front of your eyes.We will continue to Magdala, the ancient Jewish town which was the origin of Mary Magdalene, where a mysterious synagogue from the 1st century CE was recently uncovered. The famous St. Peter's Fish will be served for lunch. After lunch, we will visit Capernaum, also known as "the town of Jesus", where an ancient synagogue and Peter's house bear witness for the past biblicalglory of this coastal town. If time allows, we will stop at the Tabgha church and enjoy its famous Byzantine-time mosaic of Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes.Optional: Stop at the beach or visit Jordan River baptismal site.

