1 day tour borobudur temple,prambanan temple,plaosan temple
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Millions of people come to Jogja every year. First, they want to see Borobudur and Prambanan Temples. ● Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Built in the 8th century, Borobudur Temple is now a magnet capable of attracting millions of tourists every year.● Prambanan Temple was built in the 9th century. Towering 47 meters high with amazing ornaments, the beauty of this Hindu temple is unparalleled. ● Plaosan Temple, a temple built by Rakai Pikatan (Hindu) for his empress, Pramudyawardani (Buddhist). Due to marriage between Hindus and Buddhists, Plaosan temple is also called a temple siwabudha.not many people know about this temple. you will feel the atmosphere in the 8th century with 3 different dynasties Hindu,Buddha and Siwabudha. for detailed stories please order now with us..!!

