Dakar City Tour and Goree island (from 3 people)
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. Sure, you will see a lot but, in all probability, the Dakar experience will escape you without the expertise of a knowledgeable guide to show you the hidden spots. As I take you on this popular tour combination, my whole goal is not to make you love DAKAR the way I do, but to make you understand it in order to turn your visit into a long-lasting memory. However, you cannot visit Dakar without seeing Goree island. The last place African Slaves saw before being shipped across the ocean never to return. A visit to the Door-Of-No-Return in the Slave House will give you a sense of why GOREE is the most visited place in the country. However, you cannot visit the island and remain the same person you were previously.PS: REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PASSPORT WITH YOU.

