Tasting Experience of Magical Drink Chinese Baijiu Chinese Liquor
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Chinese Baijiu is a kind of alcoholic drink distilled from grain or rice.It plays an amazing role in the daily life of the Chinese. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Chinese began brewing jiu 6,000 years ago. For thousands of years, people have worked hard to improve the process of making jiu. The main drinks consumed by the Chinese are white liquor and rice wine. White liquor is distilled from sorghum or maize. As a magical drink and custom, it has accompanied important occasions such as weddings and birthdays for more than 6,000 years.Six hundred years ago, Chengdu was full of treasures, but half of them were soaked in alcohol. At that time, Dongmen, the earliest CBD in Chengdu, had a wine shop on Shui Jing Street with a front shop selling wine and a back workshop brewing wine. So far, the intoxicating aroma of wine has been wafting along this street for a full 600 years.

