Best Of Instagram Tour - Sky Gate Of Heaven ( Lempuyang Temple )


Thru this experience, we would like to take you to feel the combination trip of traditional, cultural and little bit adventure by visit eastern and central of Bali.The tour itinerary:1. A quick stop at beautiful Bad Cave Temple .2. Visit one of the 'most iconic' destination in Bali called Lempuyang temple (Sky Gate of Heaven).3. Spend some time to taking some photos and enjoy the royal water garden of Karangasem Empire called Tirta Gangga.4. Visit one of the 'most iconic' destination in Bali called Water palace (Taman Ujung).Note :* The driving to get to the Lempuyang temple is more than 2.5 hours* After we reach the lempuyang temple ( SKY GATE OF HEAVEN ) nead to make a line more than 1 hours to take a good picture*For Solo guests will be charged an additional USD $30 to cover our expenses* Ladies prohibited during menstruation.

