Kolkata, Sundarbans Mangrove Forest & Eastern Himalaya
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Embark on a mesmerizing journey from Kolkata to the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest and the Eastern Himalayas. Begin your adventure in Kolkata, where you'll explore historical landmarks like Fort William, Victoria Memorial, and the iconic Howrah Bridge. Journey to the Sunderban National Park, the natural habitat of Royal Bengal Tigers, for an unforgettable boat cruise through its entwining rivers. Witness village life and wildlife up close, including crocodiles and deer. Continue your expedition to Darjeeling, where you'll behold the breathtaking sunrise at Tiger Hill and visit Ghoom Monastery and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. Traverse through Pelling and Gangtok, exploring monasteries, tea gardens, and local markets. Conclude your odyssey in Kalimpong before returning to Kolkata, captivated by the diverse landscapes and cultures of Eastern India.

