Medieval Rome: Colosseum-St Clement Basilica-SS IV Coronati Complex Private tour
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With this 2-hours walking tour in the area around the Colosseum, you will learn about its use in Middle Ages. Your guide will tell about decay and reuse of Colosseum in the "dark age", when hosted workshops, stables, warehouses and fortress. Different legends depicted the Colosseum as location for black magic, till it was rehabilitated as a place of worship by the Church, with the Via Crucis.The tour will continue to the Basilica of Saint Clement, with its three-tiered complex of buildings: from the foundations of Republic era villa, to the present Basilica built in the height of Middle Ages. In between, around 200a.D. was a sanctuary of the cult of Mithras, Iranian god, testimony of Eastern religions competitors of early Christianity. The tour will end visiting the Basilica of Saint Quatto Coronati, an oasis of silence behind the Colosseum, hosting a beautiful cosmatesque cloister and S. Silvester chapel, with frescoes that narrate the legend of the conversion of Constantine

