Davidovich Bakery New York Cinnamon Raisin Bagels by Wolfermans
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Highly regarded for the labor-intensive practices that go into making the perfect bagel, these Davidovich Bakery New York Cinnamon Raisin Bagels are handmade with only the finest ingredients. Crafted by bakery artisans in New York City, the bagels are hand-rolled, kettle-boiled and baked in an oven on wooden planks. You can see swirls of cinnamon and plump raisins masterfully mixed into every golden crisp bagel, and the inside is delightfully soft and chewy. Kosher. Davidovich bagels are preservative-free. Please refrigerate or freeze them upon receipt. | Davidovich Bakery cinnamon raisin bagels, 2 pkgs. (5 bagels, 1 lb 7 oz each pkg.)Net Weight: 2 lb 14 oz | Davidovich Bakery New York Cinnamon Raisin Bagels by Wolfermans


Wolferman's Bakery