供應業務之商務實作-Business Practice of Supply Business
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This course is designed for business operation in the global export manufacturing industry (supply side),as long as who is responsible for business title to the top executives is suitable to participate, Education and training in the business field, focusing on marketing and product planning, if there is a business course, it usually tends to management and boost morale,It is very rare for 「Necessary Knowledge of Business title」and 「Practice of Application Trading」, so this class is specially planned to make up for the above-mentioned deficiencies。Since the counterparty of the supply business is the buyer, Therefore,it is necessary to form a trading system for buying and selling, make in-depth analysis,then talk about value / price / cost analysis,and the content of the export contract, and finally talk about the implementation of application case exercises, and the secret skills of developing global 1st-Teir buyers。 The first half of this class arranges「necessary knowledge for business title」, the second half emphasizes business「application trading practice」,The lecturer of this class has worked for the buyer IBMT-IPO for more than ten years,and has long responded to the「business interaction between procurement and supply」, and has also served manufacturing suppliers etc.,Therefore,it is the most suitable lecturer for this class, and the classmates will benefit greatly。本課針對全球外銷製造業(供應方)的業務職設計,只要獨立承擔業務工作者到最高主管,皆適合參加,有關業務領域的教育訓練,偏行銷和產品企劃,若有業務課程通常偏向管理作業和激勵士氣,對於「業務職必要知識」和「應用面買賣實作」非常少見,因此本課程特別規劃彌補上述內容之不足。因供應業務的對手為買方採購,所以必須把買賣形成的交易系統,做深入剖析,再談價值/價格/成本分析,和外銷合約內容,最後談執行應用面案例演練,和開發大型買方(1st-Teir)的密技。本課程前半段安排「業務職必要知識」,後半段強調業務「應用面買賣實作」,本課講師曾任職買方 IBMT-IPO十餘年,長期因應「採購與供應之商務互動」,亦曾服務製造供應方等,故其為本課講師最為適當者,學員將受益無窮。

