REST API Testing, Automation using POSTMAN
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POSTMAN is a very popular tool used by software development teams in many companies. It is a very handy tool used by Developers when building RESTful web services, It is also used by many QA Engineers for testing, automating RESTful services. It is the SWISS ARMY KNIFE of REST API Development, Testing. It provides many out of the box features for consuming Restful services. In this course, you will learn many functionalities of the POSTMAN tool with practical examples. Below are some of the highlights of this course. Capture Network Traffic by setting up ProxiesOrganize requests using CollectionsLearn how to do multi-part File UploadsLearn how to send SOAP Requests using POSTMANPerform data driven testing (create 1000 students with a click of a button)Different types of Authentication (BASIC, OAUTH1.0, OAUTH2.0)Scripting in POSTMANIntegrate POSTMAN with NEWMAN Integrate POSTMAN with JENKINS to execute scheduled tests. Whether you are developing API's or testing them, this course will provide you with all the examples needed to understand the Rich features provided by POSTMAN

