Instagram Marketing for Heart-Centered Business Owners
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Hi there! My name is Kendall Norman, and together we're going to learn how to market your business on Instagram through authentic and profitable connections. In this course you will: Discover how your view of community can make or break your successGet clear on your unique values that will guide every action you take on InstagramDetermine who you're here on earth to help with your businessGet inspired with ideas for what to postDiscover how to build an audience (even if you don't know what to sell)Develop a practical and specific hashtag strategyGet special tips on how to reach your local community through InstagramEstablish realistic expectations for your marketing outcomesUncover a rarely-talked-about, effective marketing exerciseWe won't go into technical issues, like how to set up your account & bio. But this course is aimed at people who are new to marketing on Instagram and who want to go beyond the traditional marketing tactics being taught online. It's for heart-centered business owners who want to make a positive impact in the world with their businesses. Who am I?I'm Kendall, and I've been running a heart-centered online business since 2018. I've been able to make sales without resorting to manipulative tactics or spammy schemes. Ready to market your business on Instagram in a way that feels ethical and right for YOU? Ready to dare to do things differently and throw off the "shoulds" of traditional marketing?Sign up for the course, and let's start making authentic connections online!

