Smart Real Estate Investing - 11 Days Challenge
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You will discover how to flip U. S. A houses nationwide for $10,213+ per month in 5 Steps…No money, capital, credit or experience required. Without cold calling, knocking on doors, driving for dollars and you don't even have to leave your house. From the Desk of OLA Tux Abitogun: To: Real Estate Wholesalers & Future MillionairesDear Friend, I want to share a story of how I was able to be responsible personally for $3,058,000 in 24 months doing exactly what I am about to show you. You too can run a 6-7 figure business all from the comfort of anywhere you want on this planet with a laptop and internet connection flipping houses nationwide. Who is this for?Complete beginners. Someone who has difficulty in attracting the next deal. Aspiring Entrepreneurs. Imagine closing 2-3 deals per month with each deal bringing in $10,000 - $20,000 per deal on a 4 hour per week time budget. Don't worry about results…I'll show you how you can virtually GUARANTEE results for yourself inside this video newsletter…Just like 1,000's of people that have gone through my teachings over the years. Real estate investing and flipping houses is very simple and you can probably find free information all over the place: GoogleYouTubeFacebook GroupsBooksAmazonHowever, that has posed to become a problem because the internet is like a bathroom wall that everyone is throwing stuff on. So you don't even know who is telling the truth or not; everyone is a guru. There is nothing worse than investing $25,000 into a coach you found at an hotel seminar only to find out that 1-2 years has gone past, and you still haven't talked to a single lead;… much less close a deal. You feel even worse, if you've spent 40,000 hours watching free YouTube videos collecting information, doing every gimmicky things prescribed by gurus such as: Driving for dollarsKnocking on doorsCold calling 3,000 per dayCalling yourself a wholesalerGetting rejection with every interactionFeeling like a dreamer and a failure to your family at the same time. It's a terrible feeling. The "Dirty" Little Secret of Flipping Houses Nationwide from AnywhereHere it is: Since 2005, I have been averaging $20,000 - $30,000 per deal in net profit wired directly to my business bank accounts. Collecting addresses of potentially distressed properties or distressed owners; hence the value I bring to them. Finding the contact information of the owners, instigating and/or establishing contact with them. Once they showed interest in selling the house to me to relieve their stress, negotiating a price at about 65% of the AFTER Repair Value (ARV) minus cost of repairs…long before I made enough money to be able to afford it. Having them sign a purchase contract agreeing to the price I negotiate. Flipping the contract for a fast and lucrative profit by assigning the contract to a fix and flip investor. Those are the 5 steps involved to start collecting some serious money consistently when you rinse and repeat. If you use a smartphone and social media, it's a simple digital age skill and I will show you how to get all set up and running within the next 11 days; we call it…11 Days ChallengeBut before that…Who da heck am I and how do I qualify to even talk about or present this $100,000+ annual income formula and business opportunity to you???My name is OLA. I am the creator of myEmpirePRO.…and the author of Smart Real Estate Wholesaling.…and Real Estate Money Secrets. I launched my first profitable business which is in real estate investing back in 2005. It was the last year of college where I bagged 2 seemingly useless degrees at the time from NJIT. B. Sc in Computer EngineeringM. Sc in Engineering Management. I learned the 40-40-40 plan from those 2 programs. Working 40 hours per week. For the next 40 years. Taking home $40,000 per year. Wait… There is another 40. Trying to pay off a $40,000 school loan. The worst deal I have ever signed up for in my life. Anyway, I joined the real estate investing game and closed my 1st deal in December 2005. I've closed tons of deals since then obviously while encountering 40,000+ obstacles. Because of this opportunity, you don't have to experience the same obstacles and learning curve. I made an average of $30,000 net on what spanned over 25 deals within my 1st 18 months with the highest on a single deal being $82,000. After transactions worth over $3 million 2 years later… Things started to slow down. I lost everything eventually. Thanks to the 2008 recession. Then I went on a mission to learn how to apply the Warren Buffett rule to the knowledge equity I had built from my experience. That Warren Buffet rule is to learn how to make money in my sleep. The internet was a great place to learn that. Within 1 year, I was back to $40,000 per month in revenue without having to be on the streets for real estate. In 2014, I applied the same modern day marketing and business scaling skills to my real estate wholesaling strategies, it worked. But before I continue, it is important that I share with you a bit of my story. You'll understand why in a minute…"Can I Make a Confession… I don't enjoy taking risks."And if you're like me and you'd prefer to do business without losing sleep at night on the fear of "what if" your life savings go south with a big risk, we are on the same page. For me, I only had 10 conditions before I could consider the risk low enough for me to take, so you will find in a second that real estate is not as risky or difficult as you think. Now… I wanted: To do it from anywhere as long as I have my laptop and decent internet connection, Part Time/4 Hours work week just in case I need to temporarily maintain a full time job. To secure at least a full time 6 figure income doing itNo Equipment to manageNo Physical Inventory to ship out to anybodyNo Employees necessary to get started and start closing deals. Low Upfront Investment because I was coming out of college with no savings. To be able to teach others because I know it would come back to me. No licenses or degrees necessary because I wasn't going to take out new school loansTo Serve Basic Human Needs and be recession proof essentially. If you want an opportunity that would provide a lot of income, quickly and easily with something we all already have to pay for…Then listen up closely. Imagine being able to earn the money you need to…Deposit on new rental properties monthly. Become a cash buyer for your own deals, being able to whole-tail, being able to mess around and use cash to do other types of creative deals. Become a private lender in the game. Isn't that the end goal anyway?After hitting $10,000 in monthly residual income…I have been able to change my life and more because of the simple skills I will be revealing to you. It's all about attracting people leveraging the year that we live in. I call it 2000 & DIGITAL. My methods are very simple and I use it to attract an average of 150 video views, 12,000+ hours of watch time every single day. These are real human beings turning to deals for me daily. So my offer to you is an 11 days challenge to follow my lead and get your house flipping and real estate investing empire all set up and running. If you have $5,000, you can make it happen… so you should assume that any price less than that on this page is for a limited time alone. You can take a RISK-FREE trial of the 11 Days Challenge. In 11 days, you too will be all set up to do exactly the same thing that the gurus and top producers do effortlessly… Keep in mind you don't have to do anything crazy like driving for dollars or knocking on doors to secure a 6 figures income business with this system. These are short 5 minutes easy-to-navigate tutorials to get you up and running a 6-7 figures operation quickly and easily. I have created the 11 days challenge so that you can copy and paste my system that is working now into your business today. You have immediate access to everything, but we suggest you pace yourself over a minimum of 11 days to increase your chances of effective execution and implementation. With this course, you will master real estate investing, flipping, marketing.

