Video Editing With Adobe Premiere Pro For YouTubers
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If you've been entertaining the idea of one day learning how to make and edit videos then this course will help you go from not knowing where to start and what to make videos about to being able to transform any idea in your head into video form in Adobe Premiere Pro.Learn to edit fastVideo editing takes a long time.It often takes more time than all the other parts of making a video combined.And after editing more than 180 YouTube videos I got extremely efficient at it.I picked up tips & tricks to create high-quality videos with Premiere Pro fast.In this course, I'll be sharing all of it.You'll transform from a procrastinator to a Super Sayan editor able to turn any idea into a video on demand.Captivate attention without showing your faceLearn to flatten the viewer retention curve by using effecting editing techniques.YouTube loves creators who can hold viewer attention.But the competition is high.Especially if you don't want to show your face.I'll reveal all the strategies I use to keep viewers' eyeballs glued to the screen.Learn to make videos from scratch (even in your pyjamas)Become the Swiss army knife.Learn to put any topic, idea, thought, or visualization into the world through video.It's the most engaging format.Stop wrestling with the idea of making videos and learn to do it effortlessly no matter where you are or what gear you have at your disposal.Create high-quality videos without it overtaking your lifeMaking just one video can be such a headache.There's so much that goes into it.It could feel like preparing for a final exam when it's due in one week and you haven't even started.So much pressure.But to others, it's child's play.After this course, you'll go from needing weeks to finish a video to putting one together in hours in Premiere Pro.

