Evaluation and Management (E & M) Services 2021: AAPC CPC
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Evaluation and Management (E & M) Services for CPC Certification Guidelines + Clinical ScenariosThe E & M services carry a lot of importance in the day-to-day medical coding and also during the patient journeys through the healthcare facility. This E & M program is designed with details of all the guidelines provided by AAPC and includes more than 20 scenarios which are the exam question samples. These guidelines are simplified, tabulated, and made visually clearer to ease the understanding. I have also included the Recent updates from the 2021 AAPC guidelines. There are modifications in the recent updates and these are elaborated with examples. This course is designed for learners with a variety of backgrounds to give insight into the details of Evaluation and Management coding. For the CPC AAPC certification, it is essential to have complete clarity on the EnM coding. This is a combination of "Current Guidelines" + "Clinical Scenarios" + "Recent 2021 Updates" on all the codes. There are several sections with all the topics as outlined in the "What will you learn section". I hope this will give you all the relevant information to make coding easy for you. For any queries or more details please get in touch with me. Let's dive in to get to the bottom of all codes and do the coding. Welcome to this learning session! A Power Coding!

