ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Exam Practice Test
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Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the latest ServiceNow Certified System Administrator [CSA] certification exam. These practice tests are different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you'll judge!)Carefully selected and designed practice tests with 5 practice tests scope-wise. Latest questions based on Latest Release. These tests would help you practice under the extreme questions combinations (of course there are some easy questions as well). Gain confidence with the actual exam as these tests covers all the topics from the System Admin actual examPrepare for the test in an organized and planned way. These tests should be enough for you to clear the certification. No need to go through a dump of 300 to 400 questions. Focus on what is important and relevant for certification and your knowledge. In these practice tests, we have covered as many questions possible from the exam scope so that you soak in value and be confident for the actual exam. Exam Purpose Prepare for the ServiceNow System Administrator Certification and gain essential practice and knowledge with the most comprehensive set of questions based on the latest family Release. Gain confidence to clear the actual certification exam in the first attempt itself. Successfully passing the actual certification exam also establishes a set of skills necessary to continue in the ServiceNow Certification paths. It is a prerequisite for advanced courses. How to get the best value out of these practice testsI have made the test questions focused on each and every topic from the actual exam scope. There are much more practice questions on each topic than any other practice test on Udemy. Systematic and planned question sets based on the actual exam scopeFollow the tests in order - Practice Exam 1 -> Practice Exam 2 -> Practice Exam 3 and so on. Try to get more than 60% in each of these practice tests and there is an extremely high chance of you clearing the actual certification in the first attempt itself. These tests have just the right amount of questions that would actually be relevant to the exam and will give you maximum value out of your time spent on these. Actual Exam PreparationExam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered the official study or exam materials and should only be used to practice for the actual certification exam. Actual Exam ScopeUser Interface & Navigation (20%)ServiceNow OverviewLists and FiltersForms and TemplatesBrandingCollaboration (20%)User AdministrationTask ManagementNotificationsReportingDatabase Administration (30%)Data SchemaCMDBApplication/Access ControlImport SetsSelf-Service & Process Automation (20%)Knowledge ManagementService CatalogueWorkflows/Flow DesignerIntroduction to Development (10%)ScriptingMigration and IntegrationDevelopmentActual Exam StructureThe actual certification exam consists of approximately (60) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. The person taking the exam reviews the response options and selects the most correct answer to the question. Actual Exam ResultsAfter completing and submitting the actual certification exam, a pass or fail result is immediately calculated and displayed to the candidate. Actual Exam RetakesIf a candidate does not pass the actual CSA certification exam, they may register to take the exam again up to three more times for a cost of $150(Pricing is decided by Servicenow and could change in the future)Our practice exam is designed to help you pass the certification exam on the first attempt. Our students have passed them in the first attempt and the value which we provide through this test is something you would know once you go for the actual certification. With a lot of knowledge and skillWith confidence in yourself to clear the examIf you need help or if you have any questions, please reach out to us and we would be happy to help you.

