Improv For Everyone
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This class outlines the basic techniques of Improvisation. I explain how they can be applied to enhance stage and screen acting, as well as how non-actors can enhance conversation skills, overcome shyness, and be more comfortable teaching online classes.1. Improv GPS (Yes, and...): Introduces the single, guiding principle that makes successful Improvisation possible and less intimidating. Provides an example of the 'Sympathetic Listener' Exercise that demonstrates how to effectively and easily make an Improvised scene move forward and grow. Dispels the notion that good Improv requires that a participant try to be funny or be naturally comedically gifted. Emphasizes how essential listening is and how much easier Improv is when you make what your scene partner is saying and doing your primary focus.2. Better Conversation: Demonstrates how Improvisation skills can enhance the essential life skill of conversation. Identifies the bad conversation habits that unknowingly cause us to stop listening to one another, or just make them less interesting to be a part of. How the Yes, and. template can enrich human interaction in daily life and make conversation in stressful situations flow.3. Low % choices: Details the poor choices for what to say and do that cause Improvised scenes to stagnate and fail. Explains how these same poor Improv choices relate to how we interact with others less effectively.4. High % choices: Provides a list of choices that will bring success in scene work. Explains that high % Improv choices mirror what works with collaborations in daily life.5. The Five ways of adding new information: Lists all the tools Improvisers use to make live scenes more dynamic. Emphasizes the Importance of adding information in other ways than just dialogue. Makes actors aware of how to make their performance more dynamic by utilizing VISUAL ways of communicating their character's inner life.6. Scene work step by step: Takes the fear out of Improv by providing a simple, step by step approach that not only brings a high % of success, but also keeps Improvisers from freezing up or going blank.7. The Foundation of a Scene: Outlines the four essential pieces of information that provide a solid foundation for an Improvised scene to be built on.

