Become a Web Designer - HTML & CSS for Beginners
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New to programming?Don't like programming, but you want to get started?You are in the right place. HTML is easier to learn than programming languages like Python, Java, C#. This course contains fine grained steps for anybody to get started. HTMLHeadingParagraphLinksImagesListsTablesFormsForm ValidationCreate web pages that capture data from users using formsUnderstand the purpose of semantic tagsCSSApplying styles using Inline, Internal and ExternalUnderstand Element Selector, Id Selector and Class SelectorUnderstanding and Applying FontsFont Classification - Serif, Sans Serif, MonospaceFont File Types - TTF, OTF, WOFF, WOFF2Understanding fonts installed in your desktopFinding fonts from internetApply font using @font-faceApply font using @importFont Size - Absolute Size Keywords, Relative Size Keywords, Length, PercentageFont WeightUnderstanding and applying colorsRed, Green and BlueApply color using RGBApply color using Hexadecimal valuesOther color applying options - RGBA, HSL, HSLA, currentcolorColor PickerCreate Borders with various styles and apply border radiusApply Spacing using Width, Padding and MarginPosition elements using float and clearUnderstanding the Box ModelUnderstanding Border Box Box ModelDesign page layout using Float and ClearDisplay propertyApply display property as none, inline, block, inline-blockDesign page layout using flexDesign page layout using grid and understand about fractional unitApply styles to Form ElementsStyle LabelsStyle Input TextStyle PasswordStyle Drop DownStyle Text AreaAlign Radio Buttons and CheckboxesApply border to Input TextStyle Buttons with hover effectPosition ElementsRelativeAbsoluteFixedStickyLayout Design using PositionStyling List and TableUsing Third Party Library Icons using CSSApply Responsive Web Design using CSSLaunch the screens developed during this course into GitHub Pages

