Go Syntax Explained (2)
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This self contained course is the second volume of the Learning Go Programming series. It introduces ARRAYS and SLICES with many exercises and tips. This is a great way to review concepts after being away from programming in Go a while. The course is designed for Go students of all levels and it stands on its own, but volume 1 is a recommended prerequisite. Anyone taking this course should be somewhat familiar with the Golang playground, such as being aware of the main function and how to display data on screen with Println and Printf. Here, we talk about (and work with) arrays and slices.  No other syntax theory is covered. This is a simple tutorial and to the point, but it is not simplistic. The sessions are designed for first time learners and for periodic review if you already work with Go. Note: This course only covers Arrays and Slices. No other data structure is discussed. The separation of topics allow for quick review as well efficient updates when language changes occur. After you finish doing the exercises, it will serve as a quick (efficient) resource for when you need a refresher. A great addition to your collection of professional references. Let's begin!

