Machine Learning Automation
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Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Machine Learning Automation with our comprehensive course, "Machine Learning Automation - End to End." Designed to cater to individuals with minimal or no prior knowledge of Python or Machine Learning, this course provides a seamless experience from building a machine learning model to creating a fully functional application.Delve into the intricacies of Regression, Binary, and Multi-Class Classification Problems as this course equips you with the essential skills needed for each. What sets this course apart is its accessibility - no prerequisites are required. Whether you're a novice or seasoned learner, you'll find this course to be an enlightening experience.Explore critical aspects of the machine learning workflow, including Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Cleaning, Model Pipeline, Metrics, and Saving Models. Move beyond the conventional and discover the underlying workings of automation tools like pycaret. Uncover the mechanics through a simplified, functional-oriented ML flow that ensures a comprehensive understanding.This course caters to those who seek not just to follow pre-built libraries but to comprehend the internal workings of Machine Learning Automation. By the course's conclusion, you'll have the proficiency to not only build machine learning models but also to develop your applications, marking a significant leap in your data science journey.Thanks!!!

