Employee Retention
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The world famous quote People don't quit companies, they quit managers - is a Myth. People leave companies and managers. Great employees do not stay in a toxic company because it pays more  or has better perks. They also don't fall for the pizza party.  That type of environment will attract a type of employee but it won't be the best employees. Another myth is that a survey is going to give you all the information you need to keep your employees satisfied enough not to jump ship.  The questions are often skewed and employees rarely are open for fear their answers are truly not anonymous. Amas has worked with several companies and has helped them to analyze what their employees were really upset about and then designed a program to address the true challenges.  Take this course to learn what actually works. In this course you will learn the following: History / context of employee retention How to analyze where you are today because it is vital that you know yourselfHow to define your north star so you know where you are going How to get on the road to where you are going As usual, when you take a course offering from Amas you gain access to ask him a question if the course doesn't answer it.

