Learn C programming in Urdu - Complete course
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Do you want to learn programming & looking for the option where to start from??Never programmed a computer before, and think or have been told that C is a good programming language to get started with.  It is! Learning how to program in C is not only an excellent programming language to get started with, but it will also make you a better programming in other computer languages! Learning C can help you develop better in other languages like C++, Java, or C# by providing you with a mental picture of what the computer does when you run your programmes. This course covers everything from basic of C programming in Urdu, we will be using online compiler for C programming so students don`t stuck with installing compilers and libraries. There are total of 18 classes in this course covering following topics: Class 1 - Introduction to Programming, C programming - online compilerClass 2 - Output function, printf - Running a program - brackets and semi colonClass 3 - Data types in C - printing numbers in output using escape sequence Class 4 - Scanf function and taking inputClass 5 - Decision control via If function - sample if program - operatorsClass 6 - Part 1 exercise - greater number program - area of triangle - grade program Class 7 - Loops in C programming - while loop - do while loop - for loopClass 8 - Using while loop to make an infinite program - break statementClass 9 - Functions - no argument no return - basic printf functionClass 10 - Function - adding two numbers with function with argument and returnClass 11 - Part 2 Exercise - Guess the number game via function - if else and loop Class 12 - Installing Dev C ++ Writing previous code in Dev C++ - infinite calculator Class 13 - Infinite calculator - Practice programClass 14 - Arrays - strings - fgets input string - form program - for loop arraysClass 15 - Structure - forms using structure Class 16 - Part 3 Exercise - Real life C program - Creating a Database of employee data and printing data on needClass 17 - Files I/O in C language - Writing a file with some data using programClass 18 - Course Outro and where to go nextEnroll now and start learning with Creativo!!

