Recruiting and Selecting Sales Stars
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Many salesforces today experience a high turnover, often 20-25% annually, costing around $250,000 to replace each salesperson. While sales training, products, culture, and marketing affect retention and success, the ultimate failure is often recruiting and selecting the wrong person. Human Resources and other staff members may be on the recruiting/selection team but the sales manager has the final responsibility for the selection. Without comprehensive training, the sales manager is prone to a multitude of mistakes: not interviewing enough qualified candidates, taking shortcuts to fill a territory, missing red flags, failing to do an in-depth series of interviews, etc. Selling successfully requires a unique set of skills, behaviors, motivation, and this course provides tools and learning for the sales manager to dig deep and make the right decision. In this course, you learn how to develop a recruiting/selection campaign utilizing a proven selection process for salespeople. The Porter Henry process includes critical steps like: recruiting by the numbers, screening in desirable candidates, planning in-depth interviews using a unique 4-step behavioral questioning process, comparing finalists, and validating your choice with failsafe techniques.

