Kafka Broker Administration
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The objective of this course is to educate students about the Administration side of things in Kafka. A Kafka  Administrator is accountable for setting up and managing an enterprise Kafka environment on-premise and in the cloud based on business and IT requirements of security, performance, supportability, audibility. After going through this course students will be able to perform Kafka tasks like creating a topic, upgrades, server stop/start, troubleshooting etc. They will also, learn about advanced cluster concepts like expanding a cluster, shrinking a cluster, upgrades, Partition movement, Rebalancing, etc. This course also goes into detail about Producer and consumer API and consumer rebalance API as well. One of the main features of the course is the Zookeeper discussion which is not touched by any course on Udemy. In this course, deep zookeeper concepts like Zookeeper Data model, Zookeeper leader election, sessions, watcher, four-letter word, zookeeper CLI, ZNodes are covered in detail with Hands-on lab work. This course is designed to give students Hands-on experience so that they are learning in real-time rather than just theory. This course also talks about Kafka's Best Practices in detail. Where various do's and don'ts in a kafka environment are explained in detail. This course is a must-watch if you are preparing for Confluent Certified Kafka Administrator certification. Because topics covered in the certification syllabus are covered by the course in detail. Also, the course provides sufficient study material which will help students in certification preparation. By the end of this course, students will be able to handle all Kafka environment builds, including design, capacity planning, cluster setup, performance tuning and best practices etc.

