Test Yourself: Digital SAT Vocabulary
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Here you will find 6 vocabulary tests aiming to help you assess you level of vocabulary. These vocabulary tests are ideal for the students who would like to sit digital SAT exam and enhance their vocabulary. Students are highly recommended to use a dictionary while taking the tests. This will give them a chance to learn new words and brush up on the words they have just learnt. Do not try to memorize words, practice them. Trying to memorize each word will waste your time and energy. You may write down the words that you are unfamiliar with and then create your own flashcards. This will help you learn these words relatively easily. Please remember! Digital SAT exam includes far more challenging vocabulary questions than did the paper-based SAT exam. Here you will find 6 vocabulary tests aiming to help you assess you level of vocabulary. These vocabulary tests are ideal for the students who would like to sit digital SAT exam and enhance their vocabulary. Students are highly recommended to use a dictionary while taking the tests. This will give them a chance to learn new words and brush up on the words they have just learnt. Do not try to memorize words, practice them. Trying to memorize each word will waste your time and energy. You may write down the words that you are unfamiliar with and then create your own flashcards. This will help you learn these words relatively easily. Please remember! Digital SAT exam includes far more challenging vocabulary questions than did the paper-based SAT exam.

