How To Create Sales Funnel in Messenger and CRM.
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In this video course you will learn to create a sales funnel with manychat. This is an advanced course which will show you everything necessary to start working. At first you will learn to create the most basic messages to answer your clients most basic questions. The bot will be able to answer questions based on keywords. You will also learn to use advanced growth tools which will allow you to add clients to your client base within one click after the advertisement. Imagine, you don't need a homepage or landing page. You gather subscribers through the messenger and communicate with them via Facebook. You will learn how to segment your subscribers pool, Create variational scenarios and tag users depending on their clicks. This will allow you to fully communicate with your subscribers base. And finally the most important thing. You will learn how to completely automate your marketing and acquire user emails within the chat. You will be able to import the emails into a sending service and  CRM system. We will create a variative funnel that will allow us to send messages depending on the users actions on the site. For example, you will be able to handle such situations differently  - they have not opened your email or have not bought the item you are selling, or has visited the website several times but did not purchase anything. This type of system will allow you to earn money with much less work. This is an advanced course. The basic Manychat course is a prerequisite. This course is for marketing specialists and entrepreneurs that want to automate sales. If you want to learn to create variative sales funnels  that work via messenger and CRM systems register for this course now.

