Pre-Approval Plan
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Purchase your Dream Home on Your Terms! Understand: Finances -> Credit -> Mortgages -> Real estate Markets -> Home Searching-> Placing Offers-> Closing. And So Much More! The Pre-Approval plan is designed to give you the confidence to purchase your first home with Full Understanding of the home buying process. This plan encompasses everything you need to know about buying your Dream Home. You will receive full information from budgeting for your home, raising your credit, and going all the way to closing day! This is a fully interactive course that is guaranteed to get you Pre-Approved. You cannot receive a bank loan and purchase your home without a Pre-Approval letter. No matter if you are a first time home buyer, or a repeat buyer; this plan will grant you full understanding and comprehension of the Home Buying Process. Multiple professionals are breaking down everything you need to know in an effective & understandable way. There are guided worksheets to ensure you understand the importance of the video. There is even an assessment form for you to fill out to fully gather what you need and where you currently are. I intend to eliminate any form of confusion, and misunderstanding that many face when buying a home. Knowledge is the best armor to protect against manipulation! Knowledge changes situations. Grant yourself the power of Knowledge. As the creator I wish I could help you all 1on1, because I cannot, I created this plan so you are informed and protected no matter when or where. I'm excited to share this with you, as I know it will be a great help! Whether you are buying today or in a few years, the Pre-Approval Plan is for you! My Best,~Devon Gant

