BW4HANA - Interview Readiness Workshop
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This course is a workshop that enables you to face BW4 Interviews confidently by discussing the most frequently asked questions and providing accurate answers to them. It also helps you groom your interpersonal skills to showcase your knowledge and experience more elegantly. Who is this workshop for?BW consultants who are looking for a job opportunity in the market. BW consultants who have an interview coming up or scheduled. BW consultants who have the knowledge but need preparation for the interview. Anyone who's interested to improve their interview-facing skills and become confident handling pressure. What will be covered during this workshopDoing your homeworkUnderstand the importance of pre-interview preparation. What should you focus on during your pre-interview preparation. JD Perusal. KYC. Presentation & Interview Opening ConversationsHow to present yourself during the interview. How to answer the famous and inevitable questions: Please introduce yourself. Please walk me through your BW4HANA experience. Interview FAQsGet a list of most FAQs during an interview for BW4HANA. Get answers to some of the trickiest questions for BW4HANA. How to handle questions for which you don't have an answer. Behavioural FAQsGet a list of most FAQs that are non-technical and is related to the behavioural paradigm. Get answers to some of the thought-provoking soft-skills related questions. Understand the 'vulnerability exposure' principle. Closing Remarks Interview Ending ConversationsHow to end an interview on a positive note. How to ask relevant and meaningful questions when given an opportunity at the end. Showcasing your research.

