The Best Nutrition Course Certificate All Levels
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According to a study published in the scientific journal The Lancet, a healthy diet is estimated to reduce up to 30% of cancer cases worldwide, while other studies suggest that the percentage could be even higher. It is estimated that only 5% of cancers have genetic causes, while 95% have environmental causes, such as diet and other external factors. Our genes can be compared to the cards we have at the beginning of a game. We may start with advantages or disadvantages, but ultimately, how we play the game determines our success or failure. That's why the wellness and nutrition needs new professionals like you to change the world and win the game. Now, I want to explain the 8 reasons to purchase this video course: My course is based on the best scientific evidence from the past 10 years of international nutrition research. My course is suitable for both beginners and experts. The simple language and high-quality information make this course useful for everyone. The third reason is the quality of the lessons. You will find recorded lessons with professional audio and impeccable video quality. So, you can rest assured that it won't be like other video courses that are difficult to listen to and watch. The fourth reason to consider purchasing my course is the duration of each video lesson. According to a 2015 Microsoft study, our attention span today is 8 seconds, which is less than the attention span of a goldfish. That's why it's important to provide information in the shortest time possible. In my video course, you will find lessons ranging from 1 to 8 minutes to maximize learning efficiency. Practical examples I have gathered throughout my professional years. This way, you will also solve many everyday problems related to food. Why am I immediately hungry after breakfast? Why do I feel tired after lunch? Why do I have trouble sleeping after dinner? You will find answers to all these questions! The sixth reason to purchase my course is the additional section dedicated to nutrition diseases and the pathophysiology of nutrition. You will discover things that you won't find in any other course. Lifetime access. The platform guarantees my clients lifetime access to my video course. You won't have to pay for any renewing subscriptions because you pay once and have access to all the content forever. The Official Certificate from The Best Nutrition Course. To request your personalized attendance certificate after completing the entire course, go to the Course Information section, where you will find everything regarding lesson attendance and course participation. Scroll down, and you will immediately find the Udemy certificate button, which will be unlocked once you complete my course. The certificate will be processed and delivered by Udemy usually within a few hours.

