Realtime Data Processing with Pentaho and Apache Kafka
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Learn how to define a Pentaho Kafka Producer and Consumer to implement a quick solution to derive insights. This course is accompanied with a demo project related to banking domain and as a student of this course, you will get practical application of how Apache Kafka and Pentaho can be used in implementing a real time data streaming solution to discover the market demand for loan or total page visit count in real time. Content and Overview Through this course, comprising of several lectures with English subtitles / English captions, Quiz chapters, along with additional resources, you will Understand what is, when and how to carry out realtime data processing solutionGain confidence in implementing such realtime data processing solution using Pentaho and KafkaYou can test the knowledge gained through the sessions by attending quizzes and every use case mentioned in the course are explained with demo sessions thereby enabling you to practice the newly learned skills. I will add more contents to this course as and when possible. Downloadable ResourcesYou can download the Pentaho transformations used during the demo sessions (attached as part of a resource material in a lecture of this course), to practice at your end. Learners who complete this course will gain the knowledge and confidence to implement a realtime data streaming solution with Pentaho and Apache Kafka in the projects.

