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This course deals with all kinds of motion including those of fluids. The course has ten sections with the addition of fluids in motion. Each section has multiple videos- lecture, problem solutions and quiz answers. The concepts are explained in a very clear manner in an interactive format. Concepts and terms are explained using multiple videos for each chapter. Problems solved with clear explanations using videos. Quizzes at the end of each chapter with feedback for each student within 24 hours of taking the quiz. Content will be regularly updated with the addition of more problems with solutions. Students may ask for the solutions to individual problems. Motion in one dimension, Motion in Two dimensions, Newtons Laws of Motion, Circular Motion and Gravitation, Work and Energy, Linear Momentum, Statics and Torque, Rotational Motion and Fluids in Motion. All communications will be responded to within 24 hours. Please feel free to ask me any questions that you may have from any branch of Physics. If you absolutely need the solution to a question in Physics, do not hesitate to write to me immediately. My goal in life is to make the study of Physics accessible to all students at the lowest cost possible. Looking forward to hearing from each one of you!

