Information Security Incident Handling Fundamentals
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Welcome to the course in Digital Security  Incident Response Handling! The skill gap in the field of Information Security is huge and  demand for Security Professionals far outweigh the supply. This course enables you to attain and demonstrate your Incident Response Skills and knowledge through tests and quizzes at highly subsidized price. There are approximately 50 questions and two to three test for you to verify and check your understanding. I will be adding and refining questions as we progress through the course. Please feel free to send me a message and let me know how I can improve the course. This course just requires a fundamental understanding of Computers and Information Security. It will enable you to understand and find out gaps in your knowledge pertaining to Incident Response and give you reference material for filling those gaps. This is a preparation course before or when you enroll for the official examination and official course of Incident Handling, enabling you to understand regarding your preparation as an Security Incident Response Specialist. I am here to assist you with any questions pertaining to the course or the Information Security  and Incident Response field. You are in North America. We can also help you with career opportunities please send your resume to tej7gandhi@gmail. com. We will require to have an agreement in place and then we can assist you. If there is any violation in Copy rights please let me know and I would make amends accordingly.

