AI powered web apps with JavaScript and the OpenAI API
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In this video course, you will embark on a thrilling journey into the world of web development and Artificial Intelligence. You'll learn how to create AI-powered chat applications using JavaScript, React, AstroJS, and the OpenAI API. Throughout the course, you'll work with the OpenAI API, which is using the same AI/Large Language Model (LLM) that powers ChatGPT. The course is divided into three exciting projects: ChatGPT Clone: You'll start by building a simple ChatGPT clone that allows users to have basic conversations with an AI. Learn to integrate the OpenAI API to harness the power of language generation, creating a seamless and interactive chatting experience. Text-based Adventure: Next, you'll dive into a thrilling text-based adventure game set in a sci-fi universe. Players will solve puzzles and navigate the story by interacting with AI characters through chat. Discover how AI can be used to create immersive and captivating storytelling experiences. Online Sales Assistant: In the final project, you'll create a practical application simulating an online sales assistant for guitars and bass guitars. Users can chat with the AI to inquire about available products. Learn how to apply AI in real-world scenarios, enhancing user experience and efficiency in e-commerce interactions. By the end of the course, you'll be proficient in using JavaScript, React and AstroJS to create engaging chat applications powered by the OpenAI API. Join us on this extraordinary adventure and unlock the potential of AI in web development!

