Microsoft Excel - Excel Only For Beginners 2023
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In this course you will learn the basics of Microsoft Excel. This course is designed for people who are interested in Microsoft Excel and can do any calculation using Excel. This course will be helpful for learning Excel for beginners. Here attached some Resource file for your practice. share your work with me so we can be able to discuss it and review it together. Course Highlights: Intro to Excel: Begin your journey with a comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Excel. Familiarize yourself with the interface, workbook structure, and basic terminology. Essential Functions: Learn how to perform fundamental tasks, including data entry, formatting, and creating simple formulas for calculations. Data Organization: Discover the art of efficient data organization. Master techniques for sorting, filtering, and managing your information effectively. Charts and Graphs: Elevate your data presentation skills by creating visually engaging charts and graphs that convey insights at a glance. Practical Exercises: Apply your newfound knowledge through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, gaining confidence as you progress. Resource Materials: Access valuable resource files to practice and reinforce your skills. Share your work for personalized feedback and guidance. Interactive Learning: Engage in an interactive learning environment, fostering collaboration with your peers and the instructor for a well-rounded learning experience. Who Should Enroll: Absolute beginners with no prior Excel experience. Students looking to build essential spreadsheet skills for academic purposes. Professionals seeking to enhance their job prospects by mastering Excels fundamentals. Individuals wanting to manage personal finances or streamline everyday tasks with Excels capabilities. First, you should watch promotional videos and watch the free preview lessons. I think they're going to give you a good idea of the quality of the course content, pace, and what to expect from taking the course. Apart from that, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked! This Course includes: Started FastHow to get Started with ExcelCreate and open WorkbookCreate New WorksheetsTabs and RibbonSave DataSave Workbook in your PCErrors Functions#VALUE!, #DIV/0!, #NAME?, #N/A#REF!, ###, #NULL!, #NUM! Logical FunctionAND() FunctionsOR() FunctionsNOT() FunctionsXOR() FunctionsSWITCH() FunctionsCELL() FunctionsROW() FunctionsConditional FunctionsIF() FunctionsIFS() FunctionsNesting IF() FunctionsUse IF function to calculate letter grades in ExcelUse IFS function to calculate letter grades in ExcelFilter FunctionHow to use Filter Function in ExcelDATE FunctionDATE() FunctionDATEIF() FunctionEDATE FunctionEOMONTH FunctionTODAY and NOW FunctionMathematical FunctionCount FunctionRound FunctionSum FunctionAverage FunctionSubtotal FunctionHow to generate Subtotal With GrandtotalPower FunctionMod FunctionINT & TRUNC FunctionMIN() and MAX() FunctionText FunctionFind, Search and ReplaceLEN FunctionMID FunctionREPT FunctionSPLIT FunctionTRIM FunctionShow gridlinesLOOKUP FunctionsINDEX FunctionMATCH FunctionEXACT FunctionVLOOKUP APPROXIMATE MATCH FunctionVLOOKUP FunctionHLOOKUP FunctionXLOOKUP FunctionGOOGLE Spread Sheet FunctionUse DETECTLANGUAGE formula in google spread sheetsConvert FunctionHow to convert number  to wordDrop Down ListDynamic dropdown ListDependent dropdown ListCharts & GraphsHow to Create Charts & GraphsPivot TablesHow to Use Pivot TablesSorting and FilteringSort FunctionFilter FunctionFlash FillMerge and Separate data using flash fillPanesFreeze panesSplit panesMultiple worksheets and workbooksRename and Color WorksheetsAdd and Delete WorksheetsHide and Unhide WorksheetsMove and Copy WorksheetsWorksheet GroupsShare and CollaborateProtect WorksheetProtect WorkbookSharing Excel Workbook with Multiple UsersPage SizeHeaders and footersPage settingsPage break viewPrintPrint selectionI am sure you can do it! all you have to do is follow the lessons step-by-step! Feel free to share any problem you are facing and i will be here to review it. To achieve everything mentioned in this piece of advice, Enroll in this course now!

