Dart & Flutter & GetX Master Class, Build Android & IOS APP
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This is a Dart & Flutter tutorial series for Beginners. In this series, you will familiar with the dart language syntax by example and most commonly used Flutter widgets. I'll teach you how to program use the dart, and how to customize different kinds of Flutter Widget. Please follow up on all of those contents and try to practice it yourself. Here's a small list of what you'll be able to learn in this course: Dart Intro & SetupData Type & Variable in DartOperators in DartCollection in DartControl Flow in DartClasses in DartFunctions in DartFlutter Intro & SetupFlutter Project File StructureContainer & Text WidgetImage, ListView & GridView in FlutterLayout Widget in FlutterRoute Navigation in FlutterStateful Widget & Stateless WidgetPage TransitionAppBar & TabBar & DrawerElevatedButton, TextButton & OutlinedButtonTextField, FormField, FormValidationAnd much much more! And we will build 4 apps during this courseE-learning Course AppChat Message AppTask Management AppFood Delivery AppBy following this course from start to finish, no matter what level you're on, I can guarantee you will certainly become a Flutter Expert Developer! Note that the course build on MacOs, so I didn't have a chance to cover the Windows configurations! But feel free to ask anything about it. I will be there to help. Hope you enjoy learning Dart & Flutter with me:)

