Series 7: General Securities Representative Test Prep Course
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This course prepares you to pass the Series 7 (General Securities Representative). You can view this course as realistic alternative to paying for hours of tutoring and allows you to pause, rewind, and/or repeat concepts as needed. PLUS, you'll have access to realistic practice questions, final exam and step-by-step demonstrations of how to approach and answer those questions accurately and efficiently. As a bonus you''ll be able to download cheat sheets in PDF format, that cover the most important concepts you must know for the exam. Warning: This is an intensive course with 17+ hours of video lecturesSeries 7 (General Securities Representative) Prep Course Outline: Section 1. Getting Started at a Broker DealerSection 2. All About Accounts - Opening, Maintaining and Client SuitabilitySection 3. Equity Securities, Derivatives, Partnerships and real EstateSection 4. Fixed Income Securities - All About that DebtSection 5. Packaged Securities and Managed InvestmentsSection 6. Trading MarketsSection 7. Processing Trades, Key tax Issues and Margin Calculations7 Practice Quizzes. 10-40 questionsFinal Exam. Test with 135 questionsBonus: Tips & Tricks before the Exam day***Course includes 7 Sections, 7 Section Quizzes and a Final Exam(135 questions)***

