Auto insurance has many components and it can feel overwhelming. This course is here to simplify auto insurance concepts for you. You will learn the concepts, how to discuss them and the practical applications of that coverage. After training many new agents, and reviewing these concepts with countless prospects and customers I am looking forward to sharing this with you. Once you've gone through this course you will find new ways of speaking with your clients and prospects. If you are a consumer you will learn what is covered in your policy and what questions you need to be asking. Don't be afraid to refer your clients to this course, and educated consumer is a always a great customer in my experience. I'd take the educated consumer who wants to have those conversations and ensure they are properly covered any day of the week. A great agent will want to educate their customers and ensure they know the responsibilities of both parties. This course is a great way to get yourself on track with auto insurance. Whether you are a new agent or a consumer who wants to be "in the know", you will learn concepts and coverage of auto insurance.