Astral Travel Passport Program: Learn To OBE With Yoga Nidra
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This course teaches you the Vedic approach to astral projection and how to use yoga nidra to build the astral body and explore other planes of existence. Yoga teaches us that we exist within three bodies; the physical, astral and causal. In this course I teach you how to use yoga nidra to build the astral body, find your astral guide, travel the astral realms and safely return. As it turns out, yoga nidra is an incredibly useful method for learning to develop sensitivity to subtle dimensions. This can be achieved through prolonged practice of yoga nidra for extended durations of time, or by using the five elements to transcend the physical dimension much more quickly (as is taught in this course). Astral projection is a technique that allows your soul to leave the physical body and explore the multiverse, other dimensions as well as the realms both above and below our own. Astral traveling is a natural ability you can learn to master in a short amount of time if you practice with sincerity. Using this method you can have more vivid interactions with the Akashic Records, visit the upper and lower worlds through the World Tree, communicate with astral entities, reconnect with deceased loved ones, visit Seventh Heaven (Brahmaloka) or Shambhala, speak to deities, yogis, ascended masters, and much more. Yoga teaches us that there are seven upper worlds, as well as seven lower worlds. This knowledge is encoded in the World Tree and similar concepts can be found in many various spiritual traditions around the world; from ancient Egypt to the shamanic teachings of tribes from Siberia to South America. This course gives you both the complete theory and practices needed to begin developing this skill of astral travel for yourself (and even includes five full length guided yoga nidra sessions). Benefits of this course:• Learn the theory of astral projection according to Vedic science.• Achieve your first out of body experience (OBE).• Discover your internal stargate.• Learn to build your astral body.• Safely explore other dimensions.• Fulfill your unspoken secret desires and fantasies.• Find your astral guide.• Reveal your hidden greatness and soul qualities.• Realize that you are an immortal soul, and not merely the mortal body!• Receive sacred knowledge from astral beings, ancestors, demigods, etc.• Enjoy a safe journey that you can remember upon returning.• Included: Five full length yoga nidra sessions for astral travel.

