Acting & Modeling: STICK OUT at Casting auditions for TV & Film!
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For actors and models, who don't want to deal with rejections anymore and improve their skills AND also for those who want to break into the entertainment industry without the long and hard way - THIS is the course! I won't beat about the bush, I'll get straight to the important knowledge you need for a successful career! Through my work as a former Casting agent, my work as an international actress and model for several years, and as a candidate under the Top 10 of  Germany's next Topmodel by Heidi Klum 2010  I have the possibilities to see the entertainment industry from all angles. Because of that, I  know how hard the business can be with all the competitors, losing confidence and hope with multiple rejections from castings. AND BECAUSE of my experience, I learned skills HOW TO IMPRESS and BE VISIBLE for directors, clients, and producers and finally get the job! Understand what they REALLY want to see at Castings! Learn how to answer questions like tell me about yourself quick-witted and special (Examples included)! How to use authentic acting skills in an instant! Hints on how to do E-Castings/self-taped Castings correctly! (plus a short and easy PDF page)How to be confident and convincing! Learn how to NOT stress about blackouts, texts, and nervousness anymore! How to present food and beverages perfectly for commercials! Tricks how to make relationships with kids and partners on castings convincing! Figure out how to make a brand out of yourself! Learn how to present yourself to get invited for Castings again and again! What you have to look out for to find the agency or manager of quality! Casting basics: Dos and don'ts, your mindset and what to wear on an audition that shows you from your best side! Summary of all the important facts (PDF)

