MERN Stack Real Time Chat App With Express, React, MongoDB
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Welcome to MERN Stack Real-Time Chat Application Project. In this course, we will be building an in-depth full-stack Live Chat application using Express, React, Node. js, Socket io, and MongoDB along with ES6+. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full-stack application. This course includes... Building backend API with Node. js & ExpressExtensive API testing with PostmanIntegrating React with our backend in an elegant way, creating a great workflowConnect with Socket io. Building User Authentication with JSON Web TokenGet and Post Request using MongoDBand much more... This course project is probably the biggest and most exciting project you have built so far. It is packed with hundreds of tips and tricks that can help you build almost any type of full-stack app. Master the art of building FullStack/MERN Stack apps by enrolling in this course and never look back. What you are now and what you will become after completing this course is going to be a groundbreaking step in your mern stack career. You can build the biggest and most complex apps of your dream or as required at your job. Master the stack of all stacks and become the most productive and innovative developer of your team. I welcome you to be a part of this incredible journey. How i design This course: This course will be all in one complete MERN Stack project course. For that reason first, you will learn JavaScript all fundamentals which is very important to build your strong foundation. Then you will learn react js by creating one complete project. you will learn node js/ express js / MongoDB and Socket io all basic fundamentals that you should know. After compete total basic journey then you will build one complete real-time chat application from scratch. In this Live Chat Application project, you will learn. Design Login and Register PageCreate State and Register Page HandleUser Register BackEnd User Data Store in Redux Display User Register Success and Error MessageSetup User Login BackendMessenger Page DesignGet Friends and DisplayHandle Current FriendHandle Send MessageMessage Get and Display Send Emoji and Image Message  Setup Real-Time Active User Setup Message Notification in SocketGet User and Last MessageSetup Real-Time Message OptionSetup Real-Time Delivered  Message Messenger Logout SystemSetup Theme and Friend Search OptionError Handle What is the Best Part of this Course?You will learn React Js Basic FundamentalsYou will learn Express js Basic FundamentalsYou will learn JavaScript Fundamentals  You will learn Node js Basic Fundamentals. You will learn Socket io Basic FundamentalsYou will learn MongoDB Basic FundamentalsBuild Complete Real-Time Live Chat MERN Stack Application. And More... In this course, you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on a live project with me. Sound Great right?-----------------------------------------------------------Click the Enroll Now button at the top right now! I am excited to see you on the course! Sincerely, Kazi Ariyan

